VideoMyJob Blog | Video Marketing for Talent Teams

June Product Update

Written by Chris Long | June 14, 2019

This month has been all about stability, it’s not glamorous, but it sure does make for a better user experience! We did manage to squeeze in a few advanced features for our super-users; caption snapping and further improvements to trimming. There’s a host of teeny-tiny editing enhancements which will make the entire editing process smoother, more intuitive and quicker for everyone.

We really appreciate your feedback and we’ve been listening carefully to all the things that affect our creators most. We've had a real focus on editing this month, so make sure you reach out and let the team know what you think of the changes!

At a glance

  • Caption Snapping: perfectly align multiple on-screen caption overlays
  • Trim Zoom: extra-precise trimming with easier to use trim handles
  • Editing Enhancements: a quicker smoother editing experience
  • Movie Recording CAN be started and other filming bug fixes
  • Bug Fixes: call to action input, cover image selection and more, we squashed a lot of bugs!

Video Editing

The whole editing area has had under the hood improvements, so your app works faster than ever. We've also eliminated the pesky 'Video Recording Cannot Be Started' error some of you have experienced—thank you for your patience!

Trim Zooooooooom
‌Yep, we’ve finessed the trim zoom even more. Double-tap and zoom in to locate the exact millisecond of your trim. Trim handles put on a little weight to make them easier to navigate.

Caption Snapping
Caption snapping (which you can toggle on or off depending on your project) helps you to perfectly align all of your on-screen captions.



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Update your VideoMyJob app today!