Video Marketing for Talent Teams

Brittany Anderson

Brittany Anderson

Recent Posts

How to Optimise Your Career Site for Conversions with Employee Stories

In today's fierce battle for top talent, your career site can be your secret weapon for winning over the best candidates.

This month I had the pleasure of chatting with Brie Mason, the founder of Employer Brand Mason and a thought leader with over 18 years of experience building multi-award-winning employer brands in the APAC region.

As a guest on the VMJPod, Brie shared her expertise on how to activate your employee value proposition (EVP) through your organisation's career site. We explored the critical role a content-rich career site plays in conveying your EVP and discussed best practices for optimising it to boost candidate conversion. Here's a closer look at the key takeaways from our discussion.


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Supercharging Your Employee Engagement Strategy with Video

Employee disengagement is even scarier than it sounds, with poor engagement leading to decreased productivity, retention problems, and associated hiring costs. For today’s organizations, an employee engagement strategy is essential – and video should be a key part of the mix.

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The Latest Video in Talent Insights to Survive The Big Quit

Yep, it’s true. We launched the world’s biggest study into the use of video in talent on the edge of a post-pandemic resignation boomlet me take you on the ride. 

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How to Create Content-Rich Learning & Development Programs

Just like snowflakes, no two employees are the same. Their preferred learning and development methods at work can range broadly from high touch mentoring and coaching to low touch curated content and self-paced courses.

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10 Video Script Templates for the Employee Journey

From the moment an employee sees your job ad and submits their application, to their first promotion and final day; the employee journey is the sum of all these experiences and everything in between.

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How to Create a Great Employee Onboarding Process (with Examples)

Just eight weeks ago, a global pandemic was the stuff of nightmares and Netflix. Today, it’s our daily reality and it’s fair to say that the pandemic response has well and truly disrupted the business of ‘work.’

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How to Avoid Christmas Card Fatigue (Hint, Try Video)

When was the last time you received a holiday greeting card and thought ‘’wow, this business really understands me, this gesture of appreciation fills my heart with joy’’. Err ... never? 

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Festive Video Ideas to Boost Employee Engagement

Most businesses have a mix of clock-watching minimum effort makers and enthusiastic workers who arrive at every staff event (social or otherwise) too early - on a scale of 1 to 10, how engaged are your employees in the lead up to holidays?

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Employer Branding Video Ideas for the Holiday Season

With so much chit-chat around the importance of developing a strong employer brand for 2020, we fear that some of you are suffering from analysis paralysis.

Fixating on strategy can cause you to get caught up in perfection, overlooking the value of authenticity and spontaneity.  

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