Video Marketing for Talent Teams

David Macciocca

David Macciocca
David Macciocca is the Founder & CEO of VideoMyJob. He has combined his love of recruitment, his technology background and entrepreneurial spirit to bring his vision for video job advertising to life. With over 15 years of recruitment experience in Australia and the UK, David is most passionate about candidate engagement, experience and reaching ‘passive’ candidates. He brings a wealth of knowledge from his experience pioneering video job advertising in his own recruitment agency which was acquired in 2015.
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Recent Posts

3 Weeks, 100 Conversations: Key Takeaways from Employer Branding and Recruitment Marketing Experts

Presenting and meeting with over 100 experts and professionals in the employer branding and recruitment marketing space across Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth has been an incredibly enlightening experience. 

These interactions have provided invaluable insights, highlighting the critical importance of strategic planning, audience understanding (personas), employee storytelling, and demonstrating ROI in our field. Here are the key takeaways from our discussions on four pivotal topics.


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GroupM’s Predictions for the Best Career Sites

As part of our Talent Blazers series, we spoke with Michael Wright, GroupM’s Global Head of Talent Acquisition, to find out what the best career sites are doing to stay ahead of the game.

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How Employee Stories Can Support Diversity And Inclusion

Today’s jobseekers want to know that a company is progressive, trustworthy and diverse. They want to see the real deal – and the best way to accomplish that is with employee stories.

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Candidate Attraction in the Age of Remote Work

Love it or loathe it, remote working is here to stay, with the COVID-19 pandemic fast-tracking the work-from-home revolution. But how can talent acquisition teams recruit high-quality candidates when they often can’t physically meet them?

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2000 Videos a Month and Climbing: Scaling Video

In May 2019 VideoMyJob’s 150 customers created 2064 videos. That’s an average of nearly 14 videos per team, per month! This video production total is growing every month as our customers adopt employee-generated video as a ‘business as usual’ practice that is an indispensable part of their communication strategy.

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How Australia Post are Personalising the Candidate Experience

Employer Branding Manager Quila Israelson talks to VideoMyJob about delighting candidates with video and her experience of introducing new technology to the team at Australia Post.
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How Video is Changing The Recruitment World

Job ads need a shakeup. Typically, online job ads have hardly changed since they were first launched in the 90s and they’re starting to wear thin on job seekers.

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