June 05, 2024

Video can bring a much-needed human element to the recruitment marketing and talent attraction process.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of recruitment, Skout Solutions, a joint venture between Ventia and Randstad, has successfully leveraged video content to enhance their talent acquisition strategy and bolster their employer brand.

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Allegra Di Norcia on the VMJPod, where she shared insights into how they've incorporated the human element into their recruitment marketing strategy using VideoMyJob.

Allegra is a Talent Acquisition Analyst at Skout Solutions, and she's really passionate about attracting the best talent into the Engineering, Environmental and Ecology fields in Australia.



Enhancing the Recruitment Process

Before adopting VideoMyJob, Skout Solutions primarily relied on traditional advertising methods, such as text and static images, to engage potential candidates on social media.

The transition to video content marked a significant shift in their strategy, driven by a need to humanize the recruitment process and showcase the company's vibrant culture.

Allegra noted, “Putting faces to the business and making the recruitment process more human were key objectives for us.”

Key Advantages of Adding VideoMyJob into their Strategy:

Brand Recognition and Engagement

One of the most notable benefits Skout Solutions observed was the enhancement of their employer brand recognition.

“We received recognition from both internal and external stakeholders for the materials we’re producing,” Allegra mentioned.

Video content has proven to be a powerful tool for illustrating the company culture and values, making it easier to attract the right talent.

Increased Reach and Visibility

The use of video significantly increased the reach of Skout Solutions' job advertisements.

“We’ve seen more people click into our job postings, which is a crucial first step in the recruitment process,” Allegra explained.

Although this did not directly correlate with an immediate increase in applications, the broader visibility allowed them to attract a larger pool of interested candidates.

Quality Over Quantity

Skout Solutions emphasizes the importance of quality content over sheer volume. By focusing on creating engaging and authentic videos, they ensure that the messaging resonates with potential candidates.

Allegra highlighted, “It's not about the number of videos we produce, but about the quality and what we are trying to convey.”

Overcoming Challenges

Introducing video content wasn't without its challenges. Not everyone was initially comfortable in front of the camera. “It's been a process,” Allegra admitted.

However, by fostering a supportive and collaborative environment, they encouraged team members to participate. “Making it a team moment has really made a difference,” she noted. This approach not only enhanced their video content but also strengthened team cohesion and morale.

Key Metrics and Successes

Since incorporating VideoMyJob, Skout Solutions has seen improvements in key metrics such as engagement and social media reach.

They have also found that video content has been particularly effective in recruiting for high-volume, blue-collar positions. This has demonstrated the versatility of video content in reaching diverse candidate pools.

In Summary

Looking ahead, Skout Solutions aims to continue leveraging video content to attract talented individuals who align with Ventia’s mission and values.

As Allegra concluded, “There’s nothing better to make that connection than having a human on the other side, even if it’s on video.”

In summary, Skout Solutions' experience with VideoMyJob highlights the transformative impact of video content in recruitment. By focusing on authenticity, collaboration, and quality, they have successfully enhanced their employer brand and improved their recruitment outcomes.

Watch the full episode here. 

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