August 14, 2024

In today’s dynamic work environment, leveraging video content isn’t just for attracting talent but extends across the entire employee lifecycle.

I recently sat down with Jamie Holder, Head of Talent Acquisition at MUFG Retirement Solutions on the VMJPod, where she shared how her team are leveraging video at every stage of the employee lifecycle - from attraction to onboarding and beyond


Transition from Static Content to Dynamic Video

Before adopting VideoMyJob, MUFG Retirement Solution's efforts in employer branding were quite limited. Jamie recalls, “We had a couple of quotes from employees on our website. They were static quotes with an image. To be honest, a number of those people had already left the organization.”

The static content was not representative of the vibrant and active workspace MUFG Retirement Solutions strives to provide. Transitioning to video content allowed them to convey a more authentic and dynamic image of their workplace.

Expanding Beyond Talent Attraction

While attracting new talent remains a core objective, Jamie recognized the potential of video in various stages of the employee lifecycle.

“I was also looking at an onboarding project. I wanted to see how we could embed some video content into our onboarding process and also use it as a tool in our training toolkit,” Jamie mentioned. This holistic approach ensures that new hires feel welcomed and existing employees remain engaged.

Building a Strong Business Case for Video

Introducing a new platform like VideoMyJob requires a solid business case.

Jamie explains, “As part of the broader EVP piece of work, I started thinking about employer branding. I put together a business case that I pushed through to the CEO.” By outlining the potential cost savings and the multitude of uses for video content, Jamie was able to secure the necessary investment.

Showcasing Employee Stories

One of the standout strategies for MUFG Retirement Solutions has been highlighting personal stories. “We’re building out our employee-based content based on responses to questions like, why do you enjoy working here? Why do you stay?” Jamie shares. These authentic stories, whether about flexible work policies or career growth, resonate well with potential hires.

Engaging Leadership and Employees

Incorporating video content requires buy-in from both leadership and employees. Jamie recalls, “The leaders that we've spoken to as part of our Meet the Leader series have been really engaging. They embraced it and got what we’re trying to do.” Such engagement from leaders boosts the credibility of the content and motivates employees to participate.

Overcoming Adoption Challenges

Jamie notes that while there were no significant adoption challenges, scheduling was a hurdle. “The only challenge we faced was getting the time in people's calendars to do it. Once we had one or two videos and started sharing that content, it all just sort of fell away.”

Demonstrating early successes can help in overcoming initial resistance and encouraging widespread adoption.

Creating a Transparent Career Pathway

Jamie emphasizes the importance of transparency in career development. “We promote a lot of people internally, but feedback showed we lacked transparency. We’re now embedding spotlight videos of employees who have progressed their careers, linking them to our career pathways program to showcase real stories of career growth.”

Future Plans and Continual Growth

Looking ahead, Jamie is enthusiastic about continuing to integrate video content into every step of the recruitment and onboarding process. "We’re building it into our candidate engagement schedule, embedding it into job ads, LinkedIn posts, and candidate communications,” she shares.

The journey with VideoMyJob has only just begun for MUFG Retirement Solutions, but the initial results are promising. Jamie's strategic vision and commitment to authenticity and transparency are setting the stage for MUFG Retirement Solutions to become a leader in innovative talent acquisition practices.

Stay tuned as MUFG Retirement Solutions continues to leverage video content to create a more engaging and transparent workplace experience.

Watch the Full Episode Here


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