Creating Branded Videos
Everything we do at VideoMyJob is done with the goal to make it easier for talent acquisition and employer branding teams to create branded videos... And that process just got easier than ever!
Welcome to the second edition of The Co-Lab... Your Quarterly VideoMyJob Product Newsletter! We’ll be sharing all the latest updates, tips and tricks, and user insights and wins.
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Welcome to the first edition of The Co-Lab... Your Quarterly VideoMyJob Product Newsletter! We’ll be sharing all the latest updates, tips and tricks, and user insights and wins.
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Harmony week. A week where we bring to the forefront of our minds, the need to prioritise the people in our organizations and communities. To not just acknowledge but declare, everyone belongs.
For everyone working in DE&I, whether you’re HR, employer branding or dedicated to diversity within your organisation, the biggest challenge is getting the word out.
So to help get that much needed momentum, we’ve crafted (with the help of some clever AI) a list of ten different video scripts you can use to bring the value the harmony week offers into your organization.
Feel free to use these as is, or just for that bit of inspiration you've been needing to start your own content journey.
As the competition for great talent continues to heat up, savvy organizations are firing up their recruitment marketing strategies with a secret weapon: video. Here’s what you need to know.
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