June 16, 2023

We’re excited to feature Maggie as our Power User Spotlight. She’s the Recruitment Marketing and Diversity & Inclusion Lead at Transurban. Maggie has experience working across a range of different sectors and companies, including Envato, Origin Energy, and NAB, specialising in creative digital content and talent attraction strategy. 


The Co-Lab - Power User Spotlight_Maggie Partsi


Q: Maggie can you tell us about your role at Transurban?

Of course! My role is a multi-faceted one – on one hand I've got the marketing and video side, creating compelling and engaging content for a variety of audiences, and then I've got the diversity and inclusion piece, looking at internal policies, DE&I throughout our recruitment cycle, and ensuring a fair and equitable process for everyone.

Q: You sound very busy! Can you talk us through how VideoMyJob was introduced into your business?

Absolutely. When I started at Transurban, they had already acquired VideoMyJob, but hadn’t started using it yet. So a large part of my role was the actual implementation of the platform into the business.

I started by looking at what potential challenges people were facing within their recruitment process, and how video content could help. I’d say that Marketing is a bit like dating… If you're constantly just talking about yourself, you're not really going to get that engagement!

So, we need to consider what our audience wants to know more about, and at which stage of the recruitment process – what can we share with them that’s interesting and relevant before they apply, when they’re already in the process, and after they’ve received an offer and waiting for onboarding – rather than just, ‘What story do I want to tell today?’

Once I’d done the research, I went on to discuss the opportunity with hiring managers within our business. As suspected, when you're implementing something new, people can be a bit dubious, and a lot are camera shy!

But in explaining that we're aiming for TikTok, not Titanic, and that the aim is to have real people, telling real stories, in an authentic and genuine way, I was able to get some great people onboard

I started by chatting with our traffic control team, which is a really exciting area of the business – they are the ones watching over our roads every day, ensuring everyone has a safe journey home. Myself and a couple of colleagues went down to the traffic control room, did some filming and created a video that we shared across SEEK, LinkedIn and our careers website.

We did some A/B testing and the results were phenomenal! I presented them back to the business and once people saw the effect that video was having, as well as the amount of quality applications received, many started reaching out and wanting to be involved.

Q: That does sound like a very successful introduction to video content creation and VideoMyJob. Can you tell us how you went about getting the rest of your business adopting the platform and comfortable filming videos?

Once the business saw the results and the value from the test case, and with the help of our Talent Acquisition Partners, we started reaching out to hiring managers and discussing video in their initial hiring briefs, introducing VideoMyJob and the use of video content as part of the recruitment process.

We really took the time to sit down with our stakeholders and explain what video content is, and why it’s useful. We highlighted that when candidates are looking for a new role, they’re able to read the job ad and Google any basic information, but what we wanted to show them were the things you can’t find online – the way Raana starts her morning or the things Amanda loves about working with data – the little things that really matter, and the people behind it.

In this way, video is an opportunity for prospects and candidates to get to know the people they’ll be talking to every day, see what they’re like and what gets them up in the morning. But more importantly, it’s an opportunity for the candidate to get a feel for whether this is someone they can see themselves working with, and that’s where the “quality” of applications comes into play.

We also wanted to make sure the team felt supported through the filming process to ensure we got the most authentic stories. It wasn’t a case of, “This is your script and this is what you need to say”. And if they weren’t comfortable in front of the camera – not to worry – they could just get someone in their team to do it!

We ran shoot days where we would film the video content and then put it out to market. Afterwards, I’d show the result back to highlight ROI, and the amount of quality applications we were able to get that we wouldn’t have been able to otherwise. 

From there we were able to say, "Look, this works! It doesn't take that much of your time, and it's actually something that's going to make recruitment a lot easier for you".

Q: Recruitment Marketing seems to be your main use case. Are there any other use cases that you’re using VideoMyJob for?

Yes, absolutely – the ‘play’ button is the most compelling call to action on the Internet, so why not use it! Currently, we're also using  video for employee stories, which we share around the business to showcase career progression pathways and internal mobility, along with explainer videos, ad campaigns, interview-style videos and mini-story snippets, across various channels, including our careers website, Intranet, SEEK, LinkedIn, and eDms

Q: Can you tell us about some of the wins you’ve had using VideoMyJob?

We’ve had some fantastic wins, including increased brand awareness (reach, engagement, clicks, views), as well as increased quantity and quality of applications and faster hire times. Candidates are applying for roles specifically because they saw the video content. We’ve also seen increases in female applications and diverse hires, especially in traditionally male-dominated fields.

This tied in nicely to our DE&I objectives. For example, creating content that showcased some of our amazing female engineers, technicians, leaders, data scientists and more, meant we were able to attract even more incredible women in these fields, who otherwise wouldn't have really considered Transurban as an Employer of Choice, simply because they didn't know what our company was about or what the team was like.

We had several candidates specifically mention the reason they applied was because they saw the video, looked at the team and thought, “Hey, this looks like the place for me”. Getting that kind of feedback and knowing that the video was the reason they chose to apply was a truly fantastic outcome.

Q: What advice would you give your fellow VideoMyJob community, who might be struggling to get adoption of the platform across the business?

I think there are a few things you can do… 

Having a good test case and being able to showcase results back to the business is one; using the data to create some infographics and delivering those to different teams, highlighting key results and showing value.

Other than that, just being there to support people on their video journey. Not everyone is a natural, and being filmed is outside of most people’s day-to-day scope, so assuring them they’re doing a great job, and if not, that they can always nominate someone else in their team to do it!

Social media is more about psychology than technology, so an understanding of human behaviour, sharing a laugh, and making everyone feel comfortable enough to be their genuine, authentic selves, always helps. At the end of the day, what people will remember is how you made them feel; and that goes for both your audience and your on-screen talent.

If all else fails, remind your team that video is the quickest way to give your audience the largest amount of information in the shortest time possible – so if they consider themselves ‘time-poor’, then it is the perfect tool for them!

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