Video Marketing for Talent Teams

Tamara Grigg

Tamara Grigg
Tamara is an accomplished marketer and event manager with decades of experience leading teams in the education, automotive, entertainment and now HR Tech industry.
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Recent Posts

The #1 Priority for Talent Acquisition Leaders in 2020 is …

What’s keeping the world's most senior leaders in talent up at night? As part of our inaugural State of Video in Talent survey we asked the executives tasked with leading talent acquisition and attraction teams to share their challenges, and their plans for addressing those challenges in 2020.

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Employer Branding in 2020: Ask the Experts

How will Employer Branding evolve in 2020?

It feels like the last few years have been a love parade of glittering tech floats, so many amazing shiny tools to choose from; chatbots, programmatic ads, video, augmented writing … what could possibly be next?

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How HorizonOne Recruitment Increased Social Traffic by 300%

It’s been a big year for HorizonOne Recruitment; a string of awards, the launch of a new website and their highest headcount yet in just over 10 years of business. So how does a boutique recruitment agency, based in Canberra, win national awards and generally punch well above their weight?

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Global Recruiting Survey Says Video is No Longer a 'Nice to Have'

57% of talent teams already have a video recruitment strategy. Of those, 95% plan to spend as much, or more, on video in the next 12 months. What does that tell you about the state of video in talent today?

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How a Boutique Agency is Winning Candidates with Video

Providing an exceptional candidate experience is something PPD Search pride themselves on. Introducing video job ads has set them apart from their competitors and given them a unique edge - a human edge.

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Why Your Staffing Agency Should Be on YouTube

I’m not sure I need to convince you that people love watching videos. But just in case, did you know that YouTube users consume more than 1 billion hours of video every day?

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Why Video is Now a Best Practice Recruitment Marketing Tool

We are moving to an inbound recruiting model, using digital channels and talent communities to attract candidates through the discovery of online content.

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12 Video Stats Every Recruiter Should Know

Video is no longer a ‘trending’ recruitment marketing strategy. It's here, and it's a powerful way to build your employer brand, communicate your employee value proposition and reach hard-to-find talent.

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The Chad & Cheese Demopocalypse

An Australian, a Scotsman and a Macbook walked into a bar… it’s not everyday we run a transatlantic demo from a beach hut in the beer garden of an English pub, but there’s a first time for everything!

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